• Likno Web Accordion Builder: Example Packs (designs) of jquery accordion & slider controls
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Likno Web Accordion Builder
User Interface for creating any type of jQuery accordion: vertical accordion, horizontal accordion, jquery accordion, jquery slider, accordion menu, collapsible panel, ajax accordion, javascript accordion, CSS accordion, accordion panel, etc.

Save time

Rich UI - For All Browsers
Any Editor - Any CMS

Apart from the default examples and Example Pack 01 which are included in the distribution, users of the "Unlimited Domains" license can also download the Example Pack 02 with the following additional accordion examples (designs):

Click the thumbnails below:

jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion
jQuery web accordion

How to Download these extra Pack

  1. Enter your Likno User Area account
  2. Go to the "Likno Web Accordion Builder" section
  3. Make sure that you have the "Unlimited Domains" license and that your "Update Plan" is not expired
    (if not, use the "Upgrade" link to pay just the price difference)
  4. Click the "Example Packs: View/Download" link and download
  5. Install the downloaded package and you are done!

View Customer Use Cases (send us your own!)

"Horizontal Accordion Control", used by the CALC Institute of Technology

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