Scroll down this page and the vertical menu of this page will follow the scroll move.
For this menu example, the "Menu Floats on Scroll" Main Menu Group property is set to "Constant Floating - Smooth - Vertical".
This property controls the behavior of the menu when the viewer scrolls the page.
The menu can follow the scrolling direction allowing the user to view it at all times. It stays on top of the contents and moves automatically by the scrolling step. In that way, the menu retains its position on the screen regardless of the shifting of contents caused by the scrolling.
There are two options for the floating menu feature.
1. The "Constant Floating Menu" option, which makes the menu "float" all the way through the page towards the scrolling direction.
2. The "Advanced Floating Menu" option, which allows for more customization (such as floating behavior within specific sections of the page) and for different and interesting navigation cases within the page. This feature requires an extra Add-in. To see the capabilities of this additional option please view some of the available online Use Cases of the "Advanced Floating Menu Add-in".
Your menu can float with two movement types: Instant or Smooth
Your menu can float in three directions: Vertical Scroll, Horizontal Scroll or Both Scrolls.
this AllWebMenus project file.