Joomla Menu Add-in


Version 1.2.6

- Use __construct for PHP5+


Version 1.2.5

- Added support Joomla 3.9.5.


Version 1.2.4 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #930 or above)

- Added support for multiple menus on a Joomla website, created with AllWebMenus.

- Added support for the Image Link property.


Version 1.2.3 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #930 or above)

- Added validation checks in Menu name field.

- Enhanced the Generated Menu Structure Code so that it automatically places the Menu name in AllWebMenus Project Properties.


Version 1.2.2 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #886 or above)

- Supports Joomla 3+


Version 1.1.15 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #886 or above)

- Supports Joomla 2.5.


Version 1.1.14 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #872 or above)

- Fully supports Joomla 1.7.

- Fixes the "JParameter" error that appeared in Joomla 1.7.

- Fixes an issue with the menu items ordering in Joomla 1.7.


Version 1.1.13 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #870 or above)

- Fixed a case where links were truncated.


Version 1.1.12 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #852 or above)

- Added SEF compatibility.


Version 1.1.11 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #852 or above)

- Fixed an issue related to Joomla 1.6 compatibility


Version 1.1.10 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #840 or above)

The Joomla component supports 3 menu population methods:

- "Dynamic" population: The menu is populated with items dynamically (online), based on a Joomla menu. The AllWebMenus project is used to provide only the styling/behaviors of the menu; not its items.

- "Static" population: The menu is populated with items edited within AllWebMenus only. Any changes to your online website do not affect your menu items. So, AllWebMenus provides both the structure and the styling/behaviors of the menu.

- "Mixed" population: This is a mix of "Dynamic" and "Static". The menu is populated both with items edited within AllWebMenus and with items created online (through a Joomla menu).


Version 1.1.9 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #810 or above)

- Fixed an issue related to the use of UL/LI with Automatic Highlight.

- This version is now based on version 2.0.17 of the Server-Side Menus API Add-in


Version 1.1.8 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #804 or above)

- Fixed an issue where the Automatic Highlight Feature did not work properly.

- This version is now based on version 2.0.16 of the Server-Side Menus API Add-in


Version 1.1.7 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #800 or above)

- Added support for "Unlimited Domains" licenses.

- Added support for the Automatic Highlight Feature.

- This version is now based on version 2.0.15 of the Server-Side Menus API Add-in


Version 1.1.6 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #772 or above)

- Fixed a bug with menu filenames that include a space or "-"

- Improved the Joomla Component in order to avoid error messages when the zip file could not unpack.

- This version is now based on version 2.0.14 of the Server-Side Menus API Add-in (which adds support for new features of sliding submenus).


Version 1.0.1 (attached to AllWebMenus Build #758 or above)

- Initial release.